Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Confession: I have had thoughts about not posting this…out of pure embarrassment.

First of all, my weigh in from 08Sept2011 was good. I was down 1.25 lbs. You will see, in the next few sentences, why that weigh-in does not deserve a pretty little picture of a scale. Last week, I skipped weighing in all together. I knew I had gained, and I wasn’t going to pay to attend the meeting, already knowing I had gained. Side note: I have to pay for a missed week anyway, so my strategy there was plain ole’ dumb! Fast forward to this past weeks weigh-in. A gain of 3.5 lbs! I’ll give you a minute to pick your jaw off the floor!

However, I was not surprised. I hadn’t followed program for TWO weeks, so it was to be expected that the scale would show those results. And. It. Did.

Why is it that I know what I should be doing, but don’t do it? It is almost guaranteed that if I do what the program says, I will get to where I want to be. So, why don’t I do it?! If you know the answer, please let me know – I’m still trying to figure it out!!

In other news, my wittle boys aren’t so wittle anymore! At their 4 month check up, Andrew was 15.2 lbs and Trevor was 14.75 lbs. Trevor went from the 50th percentile to the 98th percentile in head circumference from his 2 month to 4 month checkup. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with a big head (like his mama!) but when it grows that quickly, they become concerned. So, to ease all worries, she ordered an ultrasound of his head, looking for swelling, extra fluid, etc. Trevor was a trooper during the ultrasound and spent most of it giggling. His head must be ticklish! The results came back, and the diagnosis is he just has a big head (like his mama! can you tell I’m proud of his big head!?)

**Proud Mama Moment: Trevor rolled from belly to back yesterday at school! YEAH Trevor!!**

The boys have started on “real food” as Taryn calls it. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, peaches, and bananas. They LOVE all of them! They’re getting used to the spoon – Trevor more so than Andrew. Andrew kind of laps at it like a dog. But it gets the job done, and boy! do they enjoy it!!

We’re working towards a schedule of Breakfast: Bottle & Fruit / Lunch: Bottle & Oatmeal & Fruit / Dinner: Oatmeal & Veggie / Bedtime: Bottle. We’re not quite there yet, but it’s coming along!

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