Sunday, October 23, 2011

Catch Up!

I've been MIA for quite awhile, so I thought I'd do a little catch up post!

Here is where I stand on the WW front: (calculations may differ slightly due to rounding)

Week 1: -1.8
Week 2: -4.4
Week 3: +0.2
Week 4: -1.6
Week 5: +1
Week 6: -0.6
Week 7: -1.2
Week 8: +3.4
Week 9: -3.4
Week 10: -0.4
TOTAL: -8.8

So, I'm a little off track as far as my "0.75 pounds a week" strategy, so my new calculations show that I need an average of 0.98 pounds a week from now until summer vacation to reach my 50 pound loss.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Confession: I have had thoughts about not posting this…out of pure embarrassment.

First of all, my weigh in from 08Sept2011 was good. I was down 1.25 lbs. You will see, in the next few sentences, why that weigh-in does not deserve a pretty little picture of a scale. Last week, I skipped weighing in all together. I knew I had gained, and I wasn’t going to pay to attend the meeting, already knowing I had gained. Side note: I have to pay for a missed week anyway, so my strategy there was plain ole’ dumb! Fast forward to this past weeks weigh-in. A gain of 3.5 lbs! I’ll give you a minute to pick your jaw off the floor!

However, I was not surprised. I hadn’t followed program for TWO weeks, so it was to be expected that the scale would show those results. And. It. Did.

Why is it that I know what I should be doing, but don’t do it? It is almost guaranteed that if I do what the program says, I will get to where I want to be. So, why don’t I do it?! If you know the answer, please let me know – I’m still trying to figure it out!!

In other news, my wittle boys aren’t so wittle anymore! At their 4 month check up, Andrew was 15.2 lbs and Trevor was 14.75 lbs. Trevor went from the 50th percentile to the 98th percentile in head circumference from his 2 month to 4 month checkup. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with a big head (like his mama!) but when it grows that quickly, they become concerned. So, to ease all worries, she ordered an ultrasound of his head, looking for swelling, extra fluid, etc. Trevor was a trooper during the ultrasound and spent most of it giggling. His head must be ticklish! The results came back, and the diagnosis is he just has a big head (like his mama! can you tell I’m proud of his big head!?)

**Proud Mama Moment: Trevor rolled from belly to back yesterday at school! YEAH Trevor!!**

The boys have started on “real food” as Taryn calls it. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, peaches, and bananas. They LOVE all of them! They’re getting used to the spoon – Trevor more so than Andrew. Andrew kind of laps at it like a dog. But it gets the job done, and boy! do they enjoy it!!

We’re working towards a schedule of Breakfast: Bottle & Fruit / Lunch: Bottle & Oatmeal & Fruit / Dinner: Oatmeal & Veggie / Bedtime: Bottle. We’re not quite there yet, but it’s coming along!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

W W: Week 6

An "old" half pound, but at least I'm going in the right direction again! Thanks "Jane" for your words of inspiration!

(another) God Sighting!

Friday I took the boys to school, taking notice before I left the house that we only had 3 days of formula left, and we needed to get to Costco.

Sidenote: Money is tight this week as Bryan was out of work for a couple days because he was sick, and the holiday on Monday (he doesn't get sick/personal days. if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid) sets him back another day.

As I was leaving the boys school, their teacher stopped me, asking if we used Similac because the secretary's grand-daughter was given samples and was nursing and wouldn't be able to use them. Sure! We love samples! I was expecting the 2 oz-ready-made samples we received from the hospital when the boys were first born. Nope! Samples = CANISTERS! Two of them! I was on cloud nine! What a God-Sighting!! (It gets better)

I came home Friday ready to tell Bryan all about the free formula we got! I opened the door, and he says, "Oh no! Did you BUY formula?! The boys school gave me a whole bunch when I picked them up!"


YES! This. Much. More.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

W W: Week 4

Slow and steady...

Back to Work

Tomorrow marks the end of my 3rd week back at work. Though the transition was easier than I thought it would be, I still absolutely miss being at home with the boys.

We were sending them to a babysitter - someone recommended to us. To keep a VERY long story short, we're no longer taking them to said babysitter. For reasons including, but certainly not limited to, the dog bite on my hand.

We found ourselves in a pickle. Yes. A pickle.

We had visited a daycare at the church down the street from us, and hearing "My God is SO BIG!" on the CD player seemed like a sure sign that we should send the boys there. Unfortunately, the tuition was more than we could afford.

With a couple phone calls and lots of prayers, the director called us back and said they could "work with us" and trade some tuition for Bryan's handywork.


The boys begin there on Monday. God is GOOD!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

W W: Week 2

Well, after all my complaining last week, it caught up with me. Just like our instructor said it would!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Back to Work

Today was my first day back to work. It. Was. Hard. Trevor threw up all over himself, the back seat and the back window on the way to the babysitter's this morning. I think it was his way of telling me to stay home! Everyone at work was so nice and glad to see me. I had doughnuts waiting for me on my desk and one of my co-workers called in a pizza for me to pick up on my way home.

I didn't cry, but I was very sad all day. This helped me get through:

God Sighting

Bryan and I were trying to figure out when we'd make it to Costco this week to pick up more formula because we were almost out. Then, we found a box on our doorstep. Inside, was this:

God Sighting!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011

Last Night...

went something like this:

9:30PM: Changed & Fed the boys

10:00PM: Put boys down for the night. Mommy & Daddy went down for the night too.

10:06PM: I hear Trevor fussing over the monitor. He's usually not a fusser, so this means one thing. Spit up.

10:07PM: I find Trevor with spit up running down his face, and a wet spot on his sheet. I wipe up his face, and move him a bit so he's not laying on the wet spot. I go back to bed. I know. Mother-of-the-Year Award!

10:16PM: More fussing from Trevor. More spit up. More wiping up. More moving. Back to bed for me.

10:22PM: Yep. More fussing. I wipe him up, change his pajamas, and rock him for awhile, hoping to get out any more burps he might have. He burps. All down the front of me. More wiping up. Change pajamas again. Change his bed sheet. Turn on his musical aquarium. Back to bed for me.

10:23PM: Realize his aquarium has turned off already. It's on a 15 min timer, and though I'm very tired, I know for sure, it hadn't been 15 minutes. Cue the fussing.

10:24PM: I throw on my bathrobe, go downstairs for a philips head screw driver and 4-C batteries. Thank the Lord we stocked up on batteries when the boys were born.

10:25-10:35PM: I figure out how to get the dang aquarium off the crib, and open the battery compartment. Trevor is still fussing.

10:40PM: Re-attach the aquarium to the crib. Turn. On. Aquarium. Back to bed for me.

10:55PM: Trevor kicks the button to turn off the aquarium. Cue fussing again.

10:56PM: Aquarium back on. Move Trevor so he can't reach aquarium. Mommy back to bed.

I hope this boy can figure out how to kick this thing back on before I go back to work on Monday. Maybe we should practice that.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

W W: Week 1

I've officially completed one week on the "new" PointsPlus WW program. It went okay. I feel like I need to complain about/explain something.

Last week I weighed myself at home before I went to weigh in for the first time. The number on my home scale was exactly the same as what the scale at WW said. Wonderful! This way, I would be able to check my progress part way through the week and see how I was doing. On Wednesday, I weighed myself, at home, and the scale said that I was down 5.75 lbs. GREAT! I weighed myself tonight right before I went to the meeting, and it said I was down 6.5 lbs. I was SO excited!

I get to the meeting, and they weigh me in. Results: -1.6 lbs. WHAT!? I made them re-weigh me. And then weigh me on the other scale (there's two lines to get weighed in). Both times and both scales said I was only down 1.6 lbs. How could this be!?

Then the instructor told me that this is why they don't encourage at-home weighing during the week, because all scales are different.

Now tell can last week's weights be EXACTLY the same, and this time, they're off by FIVE POUNDS!?

Enough complaining for now. Here's the update:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Expired Coupons

images found here

A friend of mine just told me about this, and I can't help but pass it on!

Everytime we go shopping, I end up throwing out tons of coupons that have expired because we didn't get to use them. Now, instead of throwing them out, they can be put to good use.

Military families are able to use expired coupons up to SIX MONTHS after they've expired! We just have to gather them up, throw them in an envelope and send them! What an easy way to make a difference for these families!

Please visit TheKrazyCouponLady's site for all the details.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Baby Weight

Tonight I joined Weight Watchers. Again. I followed the program for almost a year before I found out I was pregnant. Pre-babies, I was 30 pounds away from my weight goal. Thanks to these handsome boys, I gained 60 pounds.

I am now about 50 pounds away from my original goal. By August 4th, 2012, I WILL REACH MY GOAL. You see, that's the first day of my family vacation next summer, and I choose to wear cute shorts instead of capris, and tanks instead of tees. Because I can. And I will.

I volunteered for the "Community Journal" at the meeting tonight. This requires me to track everything I eat & drink and then return it to the meeting next week for all to view. My hope is that this keeps me accountable and gives me a good jump start.

So until next time, remember:
drink it, ink it. nibble it, scribble it. snack it, track it. bite it, write it.