Saturday, September 3, 2011

(another) God Sighting!

Friday I took the boys to school, taking notice before I left the house that we only had 3 days of formula left, and we needed to get to Costco.

Sidenote: Money is tight this week as Bryan was out of work for a couple days because he was sick, and the holiday on Monday (he doesn't get sick/personal days. if he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid) sets him back another day.

As I was leaving the boys school, their teacher stopped me, asking if we used Similac because the secretary's grand-daughter was given samples and was nursing and wouldn't be able to use them. Sure! We love samples! I was expecting the 2 oz-ready-made samples we received from the hospital when the boys were first born. Nope! Samples = CANISTERS! Two of them! I was on cloud nine! What a God-Sighting!! (It gets better)

I came home Friday ready to tell Bryan all about the free formula we got! I opened the door, and he says, "Oh no! Did you BUY formula?! The boys school gave me a whole bunch when I picked them up!"


YES! This. Much. More.


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